I decided to read Romans during my quiet times while I am here and I'm beyond glad that I did. Sunday morning I woke up and opened up to chapter 1 and started reading. Verse 16 hit me pretty hard as I was sitting on the balcony at 7:30am.
"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes."
I asked myself, "Is this true of me?" Of course my initial answer is yes. And it is. But then a second question came to mind, "Do others believe this is true about me?" Thinking about that for a minute, I answered by saying that my friends and family see that about me. But then it hit me. What about strangers, people who don't know me?
That's the moment God put it on my heart to use every opportunity given to me this week to try to share the gospel with those I don't know. I'm at the beach for goodness sake, there are millions of people here that I could talk to. Sunday's quiet time was more than a reality check saying "Casey, are you really being the disciple God wants you to be and are you taking advantage of every opportunity?" but it also was a nice big wake up call.
Pray for me this week as my friend Emma Dollings and I stroll down the beach and tell others about this amazing God of ours.
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