Saturday, November 06, 2010

Glorification comes through Satisfaction

Tonight was the PRM Banquet, a night truly revealing God's glory and all that He has done in the lives of those at the mission as well as those who serve or have served. Tonight, a fellow counselor from camp and I had the privilege of sharing our testimonies of how camp this summer impacted our lives. If you have followed this blog at all, you will know that this camp did wonders in my life (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, read my blogs from late August).

Tonight was the first time I've ever spoken in front of a room of about 800 people. If you know me at all, you know that public speaking isn't something I will necessarily volunteer for. But this was something different, something that I wanted to share. God's impact in my life over these last 2 years has changed me -- a change I can't quite describe in words. He has taken the fear of talking about Him out of my heart and replaced it with an urgency to tell people what He's all about and show them living proof of His work (me).

Tonight I shared a testimony -- 5 minutes of how God is constantly showing Himself in my life. And you know what is crazy? I hardly prepared (speaking wise), but when I stood on the stage with lights focused solely on me, 800 pairs of eyes watching...all I felt was peace. Fear had fled and in it's place God left serenity.

Tonight I knew that God put me on that stage for a reason, a reason I may never know. But I do know this much, that it's only by His grace and His presence in my heart that I successfully shared my experience of camp in front of those people.

Tonight I felt God. He filled me. He encouraged me. He held my hand. He was there...working in my heart as well as those in the audience.

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." -John Piper

Tonight's mission: Glorifying God.
Mission Complete.

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