This weekend has been...long. I have an anatomy test tomorrow, which means I spent all weekend looking at diagrams, blood traces, and the anatomy of the pelvis.
Though I spent more time looking at the thorax, abdomen and pelvis than I did looking at Matthew, Mark, Luke and John...God still did work in my heart. If you know me at all, I'm not productive for long periods of time. I can sit down and study maybe a solid hour before I drift my attention to something else.
Saturday morning I sat down in a corner of Panera and talked to Jesus. I asked Him to give me the diligence this weekend to be the student He has called me to be. I asked that He would protect my mind from wandering and being distracted. The result of that repeated prayer over the last 48 hours...14 solid hours of studying.
Am I prepared? I hope so. I do have 4 hours tomorrow to study. But even if I don't know everything, I do know that my God is Sovereign. I do know that He will provide. And I am confident that I trust Him. I could say that I want a good grade on this test...and I do. But what I want most of all, He already gave me. He gave me confidence, not in knowing the material, but in knowing that He hears me. He assured me that He's going to direct my path that best directs His light. I love this whole "not being stressed" thing.
More college students should try Him out, I think they would like it.
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