Last day of classes. Last CRU of the semester (last night). Last weekend living on campus. Last bible study with Laura Ward and the girls (this past Tuesday). Saying goodbye to the Flynn's and the Flacks. Saying goodbye to Huffman Hall. Saying goodbye to the amazing seniors.
This has all either happened or will be happening this weekend. The last, saying goodbyes,'s bittersweet. All endings bring new beginnings. Big things are going to happen at JMU through Campus Crusade, even more than what has already happened. God isn't surprised by any of this. He timed this all perfectly, and He is going to show up in some mighty ways. As students (and staff), we have to be open and willing to His plan and be prepared to be used by Him in any way we see Him calling us. Crusade is going to be taking some big leaps of faith, Crusade is going to be relying solely on God. Whatever fall we may take during it all, we can be assured that He will be there to catch us.
It has been a great year. A year of tremendous growth in my walk with Jesus, a year of new opportunities, a year of new roles in the body of Christ, a year of being blessed to share His name overseas this summer, a year of securing relationships and mending others. It's been a true blessing to see God work in my life in the last 9 months.
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