Monday, July 18, 2011

We're Half Way There, Living on a Prayer.

Full on ministry has begun. This past week, we were able to get a taste of sharing on campus and what it is going to look like for the most part. Wednesday and Thursday we took a tram out of the city to Deakin Uni about 45 minutes away.

Our team were paired up and spread out over the campus approaching students in hopes of getting into a spiritual conversation. Wednesday was such a good start to my ministry here in Melbourne. God put 4 solid conversations in my schedule and each one was encouraging in different ways. We talked to 2 agnostics, both of which were willing to listen to the Christian standpoint and one of them allowed us to walk them through the gospel.

Today was the first day at RMIT and was really successful. Being the first day of classes, campus was pretty crowded and busy. Lexie (one of my teammates) and I were able to share the gospel with a Chinese girl named Amitola. We walked her through the key concepts of the gospel and constantly asked questions making sure she was understanding everything we were saying. She had a lot of questions about the Christian faith, but she showed quite a bit of interest. We left her with a KGP (Knowing God Personally booklet) and she eagerly gave us her contact information so we can meet up again to answer more questions she has. We also met a girl named Cindy from Indonesia who was a Christian and was interested in being plugged into a Christian ministry. That was a huge answered prayer, so we got her contact info as well so we can get her involved with StudentLife (Aussie’s CRU).
It has been quite a draining spiritual experience, but so worth it :) The Lord is working on these campuses and it’s so encouraging to hear all the conversations that my teammates have had. People are hearing the gospel, some are interested and a few are even becoming captivated by it. I am positive that God is calling Melbourne desperately to Himself. He wants so badly for the darkness in this city to become captured into His kingdom.

“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” –Philemon 1:6

 Another summer project team arrived last night. This is the PSW team (Pacific Southwest) and are mostly from California. They are working at other campuses on Melbourne as well and knowing that they are here for the same reason we are…following the Great Commission. Both teams got together last night and had an hour of worship and just to better capture the moment, I’ll share what I wrote in my journal last night:

“Tonight was a night that I probably won’t forget. The PSW summer project invited us to worship with them. The room was full of students singing out to the same God. We didn’t even know each others’ names, but yet we were bonded. A bond like that can only by found in the cross. We’re all from different places, we all have different backgrounds, but the gospel brought each of us to Melbourne, Australia to serve Him. Hearing and seeing how passionate that summer project was brought so much encouragement and motivation to me. Tomorrow is our first day at RMIT. I pray for effectiveness and a fruitful harvest. We are made to “chuck” seeds, and to do so with grace, love and eagerness. Reading through the book of Acts has really opened my eyes to what spreading the gospel looks like. The expansion of the church is incredible to read. Willing disciples, the gospel, and God’s power equals a fruitful Kingdom. RMIT is ready for the gospel. They are ready to experience unconditional love. We’ve been placed at their disposal, equipped with the key to their eternity.”

Another thing that has been something that I’ve really grasped since I’ve been here is how important quality time with the Lord is. Spending time with the Lord each day has been part of my life for a while now, but here…it’s different. I’m pouring out so much of the wisdom God gives me each day in the conversations I get into, and without intimate time with my Lord I would be spiritually drained to the max. I need the Word, I need conversation with God and it has been so clear how important it really is. One of our leaders, Ryan, has done a great job in continuing to challenge us as a team in our personal relationships with the Lord. This morning he talked about John 13 and how Jesus washing His disciple’s feet isn’t just showing Jesus’ humility and service, but more of how it paints a picture of how He came down to this earth, take on such a crummy job, and “washing our feet” in order for us to know His love. The metaphor was an incredible picture of the gospel and he challenged us to pray about and even share the sins Jesus has washed us clean of these past 3 weeks. It was really great to become vulnerable with my team and share my heart as well as hear the hearts of my teammates. Ryan had us listen to a song by the Bridge Band called Search Me. Listening to it brought me to tears this morning. The lyrics spoke the exact cry of my heart and the thoughts I so often find myself thinking.

I don't wanna hide anymore from Your voice
I don't wanna run anymore from Your words
I don't wanna bow anymore to these gods
I don't wanna worship anymore of these things

Search me - oh God and know my heart
Test me - and know my anxious thoughts
See me - if there is any offensive way in me
Lead me - in the way everlasting

I don't wanna chase anymore of these dreams
Don't wanna walk away anymore from your love
I don't wanna live anymore for this world
Don't wanna find my strength anymore in myself (go to chorus)

I don't wanna spill anymore of Your blood
Don't wanna be ashamed anymore of Your name
I just wanna lay all my crowns at Your feet
I just wanna raise up my hands and say (go to chorus)

Search me
Test me
See me
Lead me

Thanks for your continuing prayers and I know God hears them.

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” –Colossians 4:2-6

People I’ve met and am praying for (and it would be awesome if you could pray for them as well):
Matthew (atheist), Jeremy (agnostic), Sam (agnostic), Allison (the lady from my last post), Ann (atheist), Cindy (Christian who wants to become involved in StudentLife), Steph (atheist), and Amitola (agnostic, but showed great interest in the gospel).

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