Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Worth It.

Diligence. Effort. Passion.

That's what it takes to see results. 

Diligence: constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of mind and body.
Effort: exertion of mental or physical power; an earnest or strenuous attempt
Passion: intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm or desire for something.

I've learned the meaning and importance of these three words in the process of training for a half-marathon and saw the results on Sunday. A half-marathon is a pretty big deal (for some people at least). 13.1 miles is quite the distance. 
I was never a runner. All through high school I played volleyball, basketball and softball...sports that required sprints, not long-distance endurance. Coming to college I wasn't playing sports year round therefore I needed to find something else to replace that. I chose running. I hated it at first. The first time I talked myself into running, I think I may have gotten 3/4 of a mile before giving up. I was pitiful. But for some reason, I couldn't stop doing it. 
By the end of my freshman year, I could run maybe 2 miles. I've been running ever since maxing out at about 5 miles. This past summer, I decided to take a leap of faith. I registered for a half-marathon in May, giving myself 4 months to prepare and train. Here's where diligence, effort and passion come into play.
I had a passion for running. I loved how I felt after finishing, I loved the time I got to spend with God while I was running, and I loved the idea of getting a great cardio workout.
It was an effort. Strenuous and time-consuming. And most of all, it took diligence..a lot of it. 
This summer wasn't necessarily the most ideal time to train, mainly because I was out of the country for the crucial 6 weeks of training, but nonetheless...I ran whenever I had the chance. Waking up at 5am this past Sunday really made it all become real to me. All of the training, all of the time, and all of the money spent on upbeat music on iTunes was finally being tested. The run was long, painful, dehydrating and lonely. But it was the most rejuvenating, rewarding and joyful experience ever.

It took so much work, time, patience and dedication...but in the end the result was completely worth it. Driving 4 hours back to school on Sunday after the race, I had time to reminse on the entire process and this is what i concluded: running a half-marathon = relationship with God

Knowing God takes work. 
Diligence. Effort. Passion.
Diligence in reading His Word and coming to Him daily in prayer.
Effort in applying what you read to your life and loving others as Christ would.
Passion for reaching the lost, passion for making it the purpose of your life, and passion for His intimacy.

Hard work does not go without reward. God's love and grace is such a joyous result, and "running that race" will be seen as completely worth it.

Diligence. Effort. Passion.
Are you up for it?


  1. oh my gosh casey you are SO inspiring! i was telling my entire bible study (hope you don't mind) about how amazing you and your family are tonight. i even told them to read your blog! next julie? ;) but just wanted to tell you how much i look up to you!!! <3 allie, neighbs

  2. Allie, you are absolutely precious! And I don't mind at all, that's the purpose of the blog :) I'm so happy to have such a wonderful person in my life :)

  3. Very inspiring and true. Greg has started making me run as well and signed us up for a few 5Ks here in the next few months. I pray I can walk away with the same experience you have had.
