Thursday, November 03, 2011

His Only Weapon: Lies

Starve the flesh and feed the spirit. 
Such an anchor of Truth.

What is your stronghold? That question has been on my heart for 4 months now. I've had lots of answers over those 4 months and have seen God work to tear down the lies that have kept me from completely believing in Him and transform my thinking in a way that is more like His.
I don't think we're ever not struggling with something. Some times yes, it may be more difficult than others, but I believe there is always something we're struggling with (I know that's the case for me). 

I came across this quote today, "starve the flesh and feed the spirit" and I believe God wants me to really dissect this and examine how doing this would/will look in my own life.

"Satan lacks the authority to lock believers in a prison of oppression, so he works overtime to talk us into staying." -Beth Moore

If we starve our flesh, Satan has nothing to work with. There's nothing for Him to turn into a lie in attempt to "woo" us into slavery.

So how do I "starve my flesh"? Don't give into temptations. Turn from the desires you know aren't from God. Take yourself out of situations that you know could give Satan an easy way in. 
What does "feeding the spirit" look like? Read God's Word, read it often. Fill your heart with Him. Surround yourself with Christians. Pray like you text.

Starve your flesh. Don't give into the lies. That's all he has to work with. If we cut him off, he's got no other means. Feed the spirit. Quench its thirst for knowledge and Truth.

"Then you will know the truth, and the Truth will set you free" -John 8:32

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." -Isaiah 26:3

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