9 hours until the Cru leadership retreat for the semester, and here I am, awake thinking about my vision for the small groups. I've spent most of the evening reading articles, journaling and praying about what it looks like to be a disciple. I ask myself, "What do I want to see this semester? What can be changed? Why are there small group leaders with no one to lead?" God likes when we figure things out. And we only do that when we search for the answer with Him, otherwise things make no sense.
I came to this conclusion: Jesus must have our hearts in order for us to lead others to Him.
"This is why Cru exists. Cru is not a movement of fellowship and worship. Cru is not a movement of small groups and parties. We like to worship, fellowship, have parties, etc. But Cru is about evangelism and discipleship." -Roger Hershey
Is this true of Cru at JMU? Do we have this mindset? I'm guilty of being caught up in the fellowship and worship and parties. I easily forget that God didn't create Cru so that Christians can find a "safe haven" when they get to college. He most certainly didn't mean for us to seclude ourselves because of it. He wants to use the people that compose it. He calls us to encourage, admonish, and teach. He wants us to train others to fight for His army. A ripple effect. One raindrop can cause the still surface of water to completely change. One student can impact several others lives and in turn, they can impact others.
An entry from my journal earlier today:
"The only way change can happen is if our understanding (as student leaders) is confirmed. First, our hearts must be right with the Lord. Then, we should delight in opportunity to serve and teach. From there, we listen to the Lord, love those who we're pouring into, and train them the way Jesus trained the twelve, through fellowship, scripture, and ministry."
This year, Cru has challenged the students to memorize scripture each week (Fighter Verses). Most people are memorizing the set for 2011...but I decided to do 2012. This week's scripture couldn't have been more perfect in preparing my heart and mind for this retreat tomorrow (which is now 8 hours away) as well as the rest of the semester.
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" -Romans 10:13-15
Without proper preaching, no one will hear. Without hearing, no one can believe. Not believing leads to silence. Silence in a way that no one sees their need for a Savior. There will be no repentance or crying out. There will be silence. Cru was meant to harvest people and send.
Send. Preach. Hear. Believe. Call
The importance of discipleship is hard to explain in these few paragraphs, but what I do know is that it's absolutely necessary for God's Word to reach our campus, to reach the world.
Discipleship...it's what we were made for.
Well said Casey, its true that we need good discipleship and no one better to look upon than Jesus. check out how he did it(model, assist, watch then leave). Something which i hold to is that proper discipleship has occured ONLY when my disicple is making his own disciples.You're doing well dude, keep striving and pushing Cru to be the best it can for Christ!