Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lunch I Can Afford.

My second day back in the States and I've got a "to do" list a page long. Yesterday was spent helping my body clock adjust itself. I thought I was doing great yesterday...woke up at 8am after getting in around 2am. Then I snuck in a 2 hour nap between 4-6pm and headed to bed at the normal time. But this morning, my body decides to wake up at 5:30am, ready to go. Hopefully today will be the last of the adjusting. On the topic of adjustment, I drove to Williamsburg and Richmond today and man, did that feel weird. Riding on the right side of the road for 6 weeks left me feeling super hesitant today. And the prices of food!!! They're amazing here. This is the one adjustment I really love. I can actually buy a cup of coffee for $2 here! As well as lunch that doesn't cost over $20. It was a happy day for my wallet.

It's been weird being home. I'm not going to lie, I miss Australia...a lot. But I know that the Lord used those 6 weeks to show me how effective He can be at JMU this year. He has sparked my heart and is urging me to make the most out of the next 2 years I have there. I don't want to fall back into my usual routine of classes and schedules. I want to go back running to tell people about Jesus. I have so many resources to my advantage: a car, a house, cell phone, Facebook. These things I lacked in Australia, but ministry still happened. I think one of the biggest things I am taking away from Australia is the potential for witnessing. In Australia, ministry was hard mainly because communication was very limited. Here at JMU I have a car that I can use to pick freshman up and take them places. I also have a house, a place to invite people over to hang out and have dinner. God put me in the situation where ministry was hard, but still possible so that He could show me that ministry at JMU can be so much easier if I just acknowledge all of the resources He's blessed me with.

I'll be back at school in less than a week, moving into my house, catching up with my best friends, and slowly getting back into the "college life" routine. I want to make the most out of this year. I want everyone in CRU to desire this same thing. I don't want to keep this vision for myself. I want God to open the eyes of CRU and make their heart see how beneficial their purpose as a student is and what it can do for His Kingdom.


  1. Feeling the same way here. Happy to hear how the trip has impacted you.

  2. Hi Casey - I was randomly looking up pictures of Melbourne on google and I just happened upon your blog. Reading about your life-changing experience in Australia was such a joy, and it really resonated with me. Nearly two years ago, as a junior in college, I went to South Africa for five months, and last summer I went back for another three weeks. Both times God totally rocked me, and impressed upon me how big, awesome, and loving He really is! He also envisioned me for my college campus and community, as I can see He's done for you. I just wanted to write a note and encourage you - you are in such a strategic position in college to minister to others, especially with a car to drive students and a house to welcome people into. Even the smallest gestures can become huge witnessing opportunities. God will use the things that He has put on your heart for His Glory. :)

    Wishing you all the best for this next school year. May you take all the things that you learned and experienced in Australia and apply it to daily "college life" - it will be a blessing for all that you come in contact with!

