Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Shopping Selfishly.

You know when you were a kid sitting in the shopping cart getting pushed up and down the aisles and the desire you had to grab what you were craving? My life is like that right now.There are so many things that I want to "reach out and grab" but not all of them are necessarily "healthy". 

I'm learning all about resting in the Lord and how much satisfaction that brings. Reaching for what I want is not considered resting, which is why I'm turning to the Lord for discipline on a daily basis. If God were to let me grab everything I wanted off the shelf, I would lack self-control and probably not be in the healthiest state. God wants the best for me. He wants me to rest in Him; to trust that He knows the groceries that I need, the ones that are good for me and the ones I should stay away from. He blesses us when He finds us resting in Him. Not resting is considering not being obedient. Not being obedient is a sin. God blesses those who rely solely on Him. I want to be one of those who gets a "treat" at the end of the day for being the controlled child who sat patiently in the shopping cart. And who knows, those desires for that candy we had while strolling down the sugar aisle may end up in our hands at the end of the day. God enjoys fulfilling the desires of our hearts. 

Be patient, trust and find rest. God will give you that candy.

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