Thursday, July 07, 2011

Kiwis, Plane Rides, and Dance Parties

I'm finally settled in. It has been a long, exciting and adventurous 10 days. For those who have been is a recap of my last ten days:

Day 1-2 (June 28th-30th)
-Consisted of planes, airports, terminals, overpriced food and LOTS of coffee. We were in the air for about 20ish hours overall. It was long for sure, but being entertained by my team made it a lot easier.

Since we flew across the international date line...June 29th was non-existent for us. It got lost somewhere between Hawaii and Fiji for us. The plane rides were pretty normal. It was dark the majority of the time, so scenery was...invisible. The one awesome thing we did get to experience was actually out of the "plan". Our flight from LA was supposed to go straight to Auckland, New Zealand but because of some weather issues, we landed in Fiji for about an hour. Lucky for us, we got to watch the sunrise of the mountains of Fiji. It was absolutely breathtaking. Such an amazing reminder of how artistic our beautiful Creator is :)

Day 3-8
-V20 Conference in New Zealand! I met and prayed with people from 39 different countries!

Some words I've learned:
"jandals"- flip flops
"sneeds"- sneakers and jeans (a big fashion no no in New Zealand)
"sweet as" - awesome
"stubbys"- men's rugby shorts...very short shorts
"egg" - idiot
"muppet" - idiot, jerk (in a more humorous sense)

I was able to go out and share my faith during the week of V20 in a nearby town called Hamilton. I got into a wonderful conversation with a woman named Collet. She invited me into her home and offered me a "cup o" (cup of tea/coffee). She shared with me her upbringing in a Catholic home and the negative impact that had on her. She had some skewed views about the Christian faith, so I asked if she would be willing to walk through the KGP with me (Knowing God Personally booklet). This booklet is a tool we use to witness. It encompasses the gospel in a clear and simple way. I ended up talking to her for about an hour and a half and by the end she was eager to share it with her husband and children. She was such a sweet lady and the conversation I had with her really got me excited about the experiences to come.

As of now, this is my second day in Melbourne and in about an hour we're heading out to do an "Amazing Race". The STINT team has put together a scavenger hunt through the city for us today. I'm pretty excited about it! 

Apologies for cutting this short, but I'm out of time :/

Prayer Requests:
-for our team: unity, encouragement, bonding, good health (we have a few runny noses)
-for our leaders: strength, energy, quality time with the Lord
-people in our hostel (we want to take each opportunity to witness to them as well)
-our parents back home: peace and joy knowing God is completely protecting every move we make

Mom and Dad, I love you! 

Everyone, thanks for your prayers :) They are much appreciated and I know that God is answering them!

Update again soon!!!

Ps. Emma, Logan, Katie, Amy, Laurel...I miss you girls and I love you so much!!

And Kristin McGregor...HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM AUSTRALIA!!! I love you sooo much!

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